Uneabasto.com® is a proudly 100% Mexican company, created to improve communication between Mexican producers, distributors, retailing stores, exporters and importers enterprises.

Established and on line since 2000, our Mexican site, became the most visited Latin American food site, in the world.

The Central Market (Central de Abasto) is the very unique, biggest whole-sales market in the world; composed of 3,700 ware-houses which supply all kind of products just to Mexico City, with its population of over 25 million people.

Your foreign company can take advantage on this all. Let the most important companies get close to you. You can own a free of charge space in our Business Centre section or direct banner link to your web page with real low rates. Send now an e-mail asking for all details and join the largest Latin American Market now!!!!

Pasillo 2 local 330. Central de Abasto, Mexico City 09040
Tels. 5544493868